Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Blessing or Curse of Friendships

I heard the following statements recently.  They have stayed with me and so I'm passing them on to you.
Friends will influence you for good or for bad,
so choose your friendships wisely.

When God wants to bless your life and future, how does He do it?  He sends people into your life.

When the devil wants to destroy your life and future, how does he do it?  He sends people into your life.
But don't forget, we are the ones who choose which people we will open the door of our heart to.  We also choose how far into our lives we will allow them to come.  God's blessing through friendship becomes our choice.  The devil's destruction through friendship becomes our choice.
Wisdom and discernment are needed with every relationship we have.  Our enemy is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devourer and one of his most effective tools is sending people to capture our hearts, our emotions, our imaginations and our very lives – messengers disguised as “angels of light” and wolves in sheep’s clothing is how the Bible describes people that he sends.  Watch out!

Friends will influence you for good or for bad, so choose your friendships wisely.


  1. Hey pastor, I am not a member of your church but my friend Cindy Scott is. I would not be a Christian today if it weren't for her. When I was 18 (I'm now 51) she told me about Christ. She has been my best friend since then. I live in Picayune, Miss. and am having trouble finding a church. She recommended that I try listening to some of your archived audio and I do regularly. Funnily enough I feel like I am attending church with her because we share regularly about what you teach on. Thank you for your teaching about friendships. I listened to all 4. You are so right about friends and have never thought about certain points that you brought up. Thank you for that b/c sometimes I feel drained after being around some people. I am also thanking you for being sensitive to God's spirit, you are a blessing to me even though we have and may never meet. Praise God for His gifts! Jesus is the way, the truth and the life!!!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement Patricia.
